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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Pray with Kitty on YouTube

LIVE Rosary every weekday morning


Jodee McGill

Good morning, Kitty. Thank you for saying “yes” when I know you could have taken the easier path in life. Pray for me, sweet beautiful soul, that I will hear him and follow where I may be afraid to go. The retreat yesterday at Our Lady of Hope was truly perfect in every way.

Barbara R. Allen

Hi Kitty, I love being able to say the rosary with you and hope for this to become a daily event. I live in the Phoenix senior living community in Hammond now. I am fighting M S, so your ministry is very uplifting for me. Keep up your marvelous work. Barbara

Sister Raymond, lsp

Dear Kitty, Thank you ever so much for the CDs and Sounds of Peace players you sent to the Little Sisters of the Poor here in Indianapolis. You are so very kind and generous, and I have no doubt that your beautiful ministry is being blessed abundantly because of it. The CDs are being used for […]


Dear Kitty, Words fail me. First off, we got your CDs and love them! They are beautiful. Music was a huge part of both of our lives as protestants, and finding quality Catholic CD music has been an unexpected challenge. My husband actually got teary listening to the first CD because, in his words, it […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

Kitty coming to Ft. Myers, FL

If you’re in the Ft. Myers area, I’d love to see you at Faith & Wine event on Thursday, Feb. 22nd. For details: