
Kitty’s Artwork

Pray with Kitty

Click here for the rosary guide that Kitty uses in the morning, including the prayer to St. Joseph.



Hi there–I just caught your video on the Advent Retreat this morning and it was an eye-opener. My wife and I have been married for 6 years and we are 60 years old. We are going through a storm in our life that’s pulling us apart. Lots of stress involved. What you were saying in the retreat video made perfect sense to me. Trust in the Lord for he has great plans for us. That’s what I need to do plus say to him, “I need your peace, nothing more.” We are in the season of Advent now and God wants our full attention and to let Jesus in our hearts. Looking forward to the other videos in the retreat. Thanks and God Bless, Phil Milan, Ontario, Canada

Dear Kitty and Ceci, This Thanksgiving I want to send you a little note to express my deep thanks to you for your love. Your love for Jesus and Mary has overflowed into this Morning Glory family and so many souls are being transformed with an infusion of Faith, Hope, and Love.
Your dedication has inspired me to push the extra mile for Our Lord and His Church. Your meditations have touched my heart very personally. I have taken many of your suggestions into action and they have proved to be pleasing to God. It was God’s Will that my dear friend, Maureen, forwarded your link to me on August 15, 2020, and I’m so indebted to her and I feel that, in her Eternal Rest, she is still enjoying your Rosaries and your voice. Maureen also liked to read the comments and we would discuss the devotion among the “Glories.” Our daughters would get a kick out of some of the habits Maureen and I shared, as far as praying with you while in the car, while making dinner, walking, and in addition to praying before our altars. In the last few months, my niece, Renee, is in the process of a re-conversion to her faith, thanks to you two! She is a faithful pray-er and so looks forward to praying with you. Sometimes, she will go back to your previous recordings in order to pray more Rosaries. I hope I can lead more warriors to you and I pray that your ministry flourishes like the Cedar of Lebanon. Deo Gracias! Teri

Hi Kitty. Sometime during the first week of August 2021, my 83-year-old father was diagnosed with COVID-19. He was brought to the hospital by our family friend because all of his children lived in different cities away from him and, due to the pandemic and lockdowns, could not travel to visit him regularly like before. All I could do at that time was to pray. So, I prayed to God to lead me to a live video praying the rosary. A really live video and not a pre-recorded one. There were lots of videos on YT that said “live” but they were pre-recorded. The only live video that I found was your channel. I am always amazed and in awe at how God works and gives us what we need. You see, I live halfway around the world from you. In the Philippines, in South East Asia. I guess God wants me to pray in the evening and not in the morning. 🙂 Since then, I have always joined you and Ceci on weekdays and Jill and the morning glories on weekends in praying the rosary.
May God bless you and your family always, Kitty. I have been blessed to have found your channel and I thank God every day for that.
BTW, my father was healed from COVID after 2 weeks and is now home. I pray that travel restrictions in our country will ease up next year so that I can regularly visit him again. Take care and keep safe always.

I want to thank you, Kitty, for your immense and blessed power of prayer in your song and your messages. You are truly a messenger of God’s great Word and power that the world has lost. Thank you fervently from the depths of my soul. which is heavy. Your angelic voice has given me newfound hope and inspiration to follow God and live true to his way. You truly have one of the most incredible and angelic voices that I have ever ever heard in my lifetime. God has truly blessed you, and one can hear him through your voice! I believe God finds mysterious ways to reach each and every one of us, and you have lurched into my existence. The miracle of love rosary is spectacular.

Click here for more Guestbook entries.


Kitty & Ceci’s new mug—now available!

I’m so excited to share with you the design for our 2023 Morning Glory mug, with my painting of “Gate of Heaven” on the front, and featuring Ceci’s precious illustration of the Morning Glory bus on the back!

Note that we will have last year’s Holy Family mug available, as well. Please indicate on your order which mugs you want.* We are asking everyone to prepay for both designs by Monday, July 23rd, so we know how many to order.

Cost: $20 (if picking up on August 15th or from me), or $25 if you want one mailed to you.

  1. Payment options: Venmo: @Kitty-Cleveland, phone: 5676 (please include your shipping address if applicable, as well as which mug you want); or
  2. Check payable to:
    Christiaria, LLC
    PO Box 843
    Madisonville, LA 70447

* If the artwork on your mug from last year is chipped or faded, you can have a new one for just $5 if you can pick it up, or—if it needs to be shipped—just $10 if you are also ordering a full-price mug. This is only for those who need a replacement mug, please. ❤️