Now Available!

"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

Kitty Cleveland's new book, NOW AVAILABLE!

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Pray with Kitty on YouTube

LIVE Rosary every weekday morning


Tobie Dartez

I want to thank you for the rosary each morning! Your meditations have deepened my prayer life and have made me more vocal and vulnerable to God. Thank you for teaching me the sweet blessings of each mystery. As I hold the rosary (or as you say, Mary’s hand) I continue to pray for y’all! […]

Stephen M.

Your story and music changed my life, praise God! I picked up your Lighthouse CD – I believe in 2012 – from a local church when attending morning Mass a few years ago and listened to it on my way to work and finished it on my way home. As I was driving home, I came […]

Joyce C.

Dear Kitty, I had the great pleasure of attending the Catholic Community Radio Women’s Retreat Saturday, May 1, 2020, at Sister Dulce’s Ministry at Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center. I knew of your Divine Mercy music and singing but was incredibly moved and greatly delighted by your talk, your art, your Catholic ministry, of course, […]

Stephen F.

I have the signed copies of your albums Blue Skies and the Miracle of the Divine Mercy sitting here on my desk. I just happened to feel the urge to send out prayers for you. So I do so now, and I pray for your health and protection in your travels.

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

Aug. 21, 2023, UPDATE: Mug and Journal Orders

Dear Friends,

It was so good to see so many of you in person on August 15th at Our Lady of Hope–what an incredible day! If you ordered items to be shipped or did not pick them up at our special event, the mugs and hard-cover journals will be shipping out the first week of September when I get back from Ecuador. I’m so sorry I’ve not been able to get them out to you before I leave.

As you may know, the spiral journals arrived with only a paper cover and not the hard, leather-like cover that was advertised (it was an oversight on the manufacturer’s part). They are currently looking for an alternative that meets the specs I ordered. I’m sincerely sorry for any inconvenience to you, but they are not nearly as beautiful or durable as the other journals I ordered.

If you ordered the spiral journal, you now have three options:

  1. Recommended: Upgrade now to the blue or green solid-bound journal with the leather-like cover, satin ribbon bookmark, storage pocket, and 20 extra pages for $5 each (via Venmo or check). To pay by Venmo: Download the app and search for @Kitty-Cleveland. Please be sure to include your mailing address with your Venmo payment. To pay by check: Christiaria, LLC, PO Box 843, Madisonville, LA 70447 ;
  2. Request a full refund (just send me an email to that effect, and I’ll take care of it as soon as I get back); or
  3. Keep the spiral journals you may have received on August 15th with no adjustments to your order.

I promise we will work to make you happy–just let me know what you have decided. All payment and journal information, as well as the order form, can be found in my original post which I just updated to reflect this latest information.

FINAL NOTE: If you originally ordered a spiral notebook but already paid for and received an upgraded journal on August 15th at Our Lady of Hope, please send me an email to that effect so I can check you off. GOD bless you, friends! I appreciate you and will be praying for you in Ecuador.
