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Blessings Kitty! You are probably getting ready to travel to Omaha today, preparing for the Magnificat Morning tomorrow! Welcome! My husband & I are doing the Advent Retreat online, and your talk touched me so deeply…I listened to it 3 times this week! Our lives have been full of challenging trials, having had 3 members […]


Kitty, Your testimony on the Pray More Advent retreat has lifted me today in a way I desperately needed this morning. Thank you for your words. The Holy Spirit definitely used you to speak to me with direct words I’d been thinking about this morning and feeling troubled. Thank you for being my word from […]

Dave N.

Hi Kitty, writing a note of gratitude in your service to our Lord and our Lady, and for sharing your beautiful voice, AND inspiring reflections. I am currently participating in the Pray More Advent Retreat, and I really appreciate your presentations and the lovely way you share your faith with others! God bless, and thank […]


Hi there–I just caught your video on the Advent Retreat this morning and it was an eye-opener. My wife and I have been married for 6 years and we are 60 years old. We are going through a storm in our life that’s pulling us apart. Lots of stress involved. What you were saying in […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


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