New signed Morning Glory mugs from Kitty, now available for preorder!

Hey, friends! If you would like to order one of these signed Morning Glory mugs with my painting of the Holy Family, please send $20 if you will pick them up at our celebration on August 15th or $25 if you want us to ship them to you. I will be signing the painting on the mug in gold oil paint. It will be a great way to drink your morning coffee as we pray the rosary together!

The mug is BPA-free, microwaveable & top shelf dishwasher safe.


  1. CHECK: Payable to Christiaria, LLC, PO Box 843, Madisonville, LA 70447
  2. VENMO APP: Send to @Kitty-Cleveland. NOTE: Please don’t toggle “goods and services” so I can avoid the fraud protection fee. I promise that I will not defraud you. 🙂 This
  3. is what my profile looks like on Venmo:


  1. Hi, if we go to Venmo to pay, do we type in our address in the transaction space? Also, I am a seasonal resident of NC (here summers only) and head back to FL mid October. Which address is better to give; i.e. what is anticipated shipping date?

  2. Hey Kitty, My check is in the mail for a mug. I will get from you at Aug event
    Shannon Adams

  3. Hi kitty, I would like to order a mug, can I send you a check to the address shown above ?

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