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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Sally Bolderson
Hi Kitty, I just wanted to let you know that you’ve been touching souls here in St. Louis. We buried a 60 year old parishioner (Christie Rogan) yesterday who died of pancreatic cancer. As I was preparing the music for her mass, I kept having people tell me that I must include her favorite song […]
David and Lee Berger
Kitty, I can’t begin to express how delighted we were with your contribution to the celebration of Jenny and Scoot’s wedding nearly a month ago now (time really flies). I was a bit shaky until I heard you sing “The Lord’s Prayer” and then it all “came together.” At that point, I experienced an extreme […]
Gwen Saucier
Kitty, Last Sunday I was at St. Edward’s in Metairie, and I wanted you to know how much we all enjoyed the evening. It was so refreshing and filled with the Holy Spirit. Thank you for bringing the Lord in such a special way to me and to so many others. GOD LOVES YOU, and […]
James Herbert
Kitty, I can’t thank you enough. WOW–everyone is still talking about you. Several people want to know when you will have Surrender on CD again…By the way, because of your devotion to the Blessed Sacrament we have a new member in our RCIA. God bless and thank you from all of us here at Holy […]
Kitty's Occasional Musings and News
Entering the Eye of the Storm

I took this photo a few weeks after my pacemaker surgery. Notice the dove in the clouds! “If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. (Psalm 139:9-10)”
Friends, as we mark the 12th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, watch with horror at the unfolding of the devastation wrought by Harvey, and anxiously anticipate the development of Irma, it is easy to lose our bearings and become swept up in the chaos swirling around us.
But God tells us to “be anxious for nothing.”
If you are having a hard time resting in the peaceful presence of God, please take a moment to listen to “Eye of the Storm,” a song inspired while I sought refuge in an adoration chapel in Beaumont, TX, during our Katrina displacement.
As I pondered the Eucharistic Jesus there in the monstrance, I was reminded of the eye of the hurricane that was moving directly towards my home. It occurred to me that when Christ is at the center of my life, I can have peace and calm in my spirit even as the winds of chaos swirl around me. The key is to keep our eyes and heart fixed on the Lord, not on the the chaos that wants us to lose our bearings and sweep us away.
Just put him at the center of your life, and be not afraid! Our God is a God of accompaniment, and he cares for you.
If you are one of my friends in Texas or western Louisiana, know that we are praying with earnest for your well-being and are sending supplies. We’ve been through a lot together already, and, with God’s grace, we’ll get through this one too.
In His Love,