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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Gabriela A. Donley
Dear Kitty, Keeping you and your family as always in our prayers. I just want to drop you a note telling you how much I have enjoyed your last CD (Be Not Afraid). I am not mourning, but as everyone I carry my own cross. It is such a beautiful music. So soft, so inspiring, […]
Jim Papandrea, M. Di
Kitty–I’ve been listening to your Be Not Afraid CD in my car, and just wanted to tell you it sounds great. You have a beautiful voice (I already knew that). The CD is a real blessing! Your version of God Alone is Enough is awesome. I know you’re not thrilled with the song On Eagle’s […]
Eileen Brown
I purchased the Miracle of Love Rosary CD and I think it is truly BEAUTIFUL! God has given you such a marvelous gift and I want to thank you for sharing your gift with us, your fans. You have such a wonderful voice! I happened to be looking for a rosary online, and a seller […]
Dan Duet
Hi Kitty, I don’t see in my “Sent Mail” file that I ever wrote to let you know I received “Be Not Afraid”. If I already wrote to you, then accept this as twice the thanks!! Absolutely beautiful. Right now Joe Hand is listening to one of my songs that I might do a re-make […]