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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Revd Liz Maitland
Hi Kitty, the Praymore Retreat talks on Mary were inspirational and a true revelation. Also loved praying the Rosary with you today on Boxing Day. I listened to the Christmas Eve Rosary and am determined to pray the Rosary with my Community here in Leicester, UK. Am praying to God and our divine Mother Mary […]
Hi Kitty, I really enjoy and look forward to your online Christmas retreat presentations. I also have tuned into your Daily Live Rosary with Ceci. This morning, December 21, you stopped the rosary to share an inspiration that came to you regarding someone who was having trouble breathing. You said she should forgive from her […]
Kitty, Your testimony on the Pray More Advent retreat has lifted me today in a way I desperately needed this morning. Thank you for your words. The Holy Spirit definitely used you to speak to me with direct words I’d been thinking about this morning and feeling troubled. Thank you for being my word from […]
Joan P.
Blessings Kitty! My husband and I are doing the Advent Retreat online, and your talk touched me so deeply. I listened to it 3 times this week! Our lives have been full of challenging trials, having had 3 members of our family go through heart transplants…my husband, our daughter, and a son. But what blessings […]