From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy

This title will be released on February 14, 2025

Deacon Carl Cleveland was a loving, successful, faithful man when his world came crashing down. Sentenced unjustly to prison, he endured the loss of all he had: his reputation, home, career, and family. From Prison to Paradise is the moving and inspirational account of Carl and his family discovery of God’s mercy and peace in the midst of their ordeal. Kitty Cleveland, an acclaimed singer and retreat leader, shares her own journey of surrender and trust, along with her father’s captivating and often humorous stories from “the inside.” Immaculee Ilibagiza, survivor of the Rwandan genocide and bestselling author, writes, “If you have ever struggled to make sense of suffering, forgive, or renew your faith, this book has something for you.”


Dolly Trick

(From December) Kitty, The CDs arrived today and they are beautiful! Doug and I listened to O Holy Night tonight at supper. Your voice and talent are surely pleasing to the Lord. Please know that you have made a huge difference in my life.

Virginia Roddy

(From December) Kitty, I am a friend of Colleen and Roy Ingraffia and a HUGE fan of yours. I am a parishoner at Holy Name of Jesus Church in New Orleans and got permission from Fr. Hawkins to put the following announcement in the bulletin. I hope that is ok. Your music is truly an […]

Beth Rutski

Last spring, I had the great honor of participating in a Christ Renews His Parish Outreach Weekend in Madison, Indiana. One of the members of our outreach team was a wonderful woman of faith, with whom I had shared outreach weekends before. But, this was a special one, because it was her last. During our […]

Fr. John Talamo

(From December) Kitty, I can’t begin to tell you just how truly “awesome” your concert was. Though I got called out mid-way through, the children’s choir and you were fantastic. It was like heaven on earth. Already I heard a good number of people comment about how good it was after masses today. Thank you […]

Click here for more Guestbook entries.

Join the Morning Glory Members Сommunity

Become a part of the Morning Glory Family. Get Kitty’s latest blog posts and information. Interact with Kitty Cleveland and other rosary friends on the secure “Locals” platform.

Pray the Rosary

Each weekday morning, Kitty leads a live Rosary with spontaneous meditations on both Instagram and YouTube. Opening prayers start at 5:45 am CT, with the Angelus and Rosary at 6:00 am CT. If that time does not work for you, the recordings are always available. You are cordially invited to join the hundreds of “Morning Glories” who pray together every day! You can also find the “Kitty’s Morning Glories” community on Facebook for general prayer intentions and the weekend Rosary. Click here for the rosary guide with the Gospel readings and other prayers.


Join me for the fall colors!

Hey, midwest ladies! Grab your girlfriends and come join Teresa Tomeo, Kelly Wahlquist, and me for the first MN Lake Country WINE Catholic Women’s Conference on Saturday, October 5, 2019.

The day will include praise and worship music, shopping, prayer, confession, adoration, lots of laughter, a fabulous lunch, CHOCOLATE, and an opportunity to join Bishop Kettler for 5:00 PM Mass. You will leave equipped to persevere in prayer, endure in affliction, and (as Pope Francis compels us) be beacons of hope to all those around you.

Ladies, this is a fabulous road trip—🍂 the fall colors🍂 will be exquisite! Join us!  You can register today at