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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Pray with Kitty on YouTube
LIVE Rosary every weekday morning
Cathy Dicken
Dear Kitty, WOW, what a treat last Sunday!! As our priest read the Gospel (Luke 24: 13-35), my daughter Nicole, kept tapping me as he read. Finally, I turned to her and was about to give her a disappointed look….but before I could, she excitedly said “THIS IS THE READING FROM KITTY’S SONG…”THE BREAKING OF […]
Mathlide Nalty Mello
Kitty: My parents in New Orleans, Jane and Paul Nalty, turned me on to your music. After hearing the new CD, weeping throughout, as all of your songs touch me deeply, I decided to order some for my friends here in Nashville! I cannot tell you how the “Eye of the Storm” touched me…In any […]
Sharon Clouatre
I misplaced my Rosary CD and loaned one of my other CDs out that was never returned (as long as they are playing it, I do not mind). I went to Mule’s on David Drive to purchase another Rosary CD but they did not have any. So I purchased the Divine Mercy CD – that […]
Marie Mununga
Dear Kitty, I thank God for you and the beautiful gift of song that he has given you. May he reward you for all the joy that you bring to others in this wonderful ministry. Pax Christi! Marie