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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Connie Reith
Good Morning Kitty, Just a quick note to properly thank you for your wonderful Music Ministry and for coming to St. Peter’s on Sunday. Your reviews are still coming in!! Bill and I feel so Blessed to have spent some time with you while you were with us and we are praying that now that […]
Patricia Montgomery
Kitty, What a wonderful and blessed event the Magnificat Breakfast was this morning. God has given you such a gift of voice and a gift for relaying His love for you and for all of us. I am so touched by your testimony and your faith. You are an instrument of God and through your […]
Staci Thibodeaux
Kitty, A few years ago (before Katrina and Rita), I read an article about you in Faith and Family. I thought that you were the same Kitty Cleveland that I had gone to LSU law school with and intended to contact you. However, after the storms, I misplaced the magazine when we had to move […]
Cathy Dicken
Dear Kitty, Thank you so much for being our speaker for our Good Friday Prayer Breakfast! I know that because of you, it was a sell out for the first time ever! You are a beautiful soul that radiates the Holy Spirit! Your testamony was beautiful, full of love and grace. Nobody left disappointed. I […]