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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland
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Dear Kitty, I wish you God's speed in your ministry. You are in my prayers. I enjoy your tapes so often–I keep them in my car. Wish I could be in La. to attend your concerts but will have to be content to stay in Columbus,Ohio. I'm looking forward TO THE GREAT CELEBRATION OF EASTER. God […]
Rose S.
Kitty, I really enjoy your music and I have a few of your cd's. I truly enjoy the song by John Michael Talbot, God alone is enough, and your rendition of it. It far surpasses anything I've ever heard. I love the old and new songs devoted to our Blessed Mother but they are really […]
Terri G.
Hi Kitty, I am back in North Carolina. I would rather be home in New Orleans, but I am here. I would be at the mass at St. Joseph's church, but New Orleans is a little to far to go. Anyway, I was thinking of you the other day, thinking about the Feast of the Divine […]
Paige R.
Kitty, I think I was moved even more this year than last year. It was truly beautiful. The words you wrote spoken by Father John hit home on so many levels. You are so very talented and your sharing your gifts ~ being a "music missionary" ~ is such a gift to all of us. […]
Kitty's Occasional Musings and News
A COVID-19 Easter Miracle!
Friends, I just received this incredible feedback on my Sounds of Peace MP3 players from someone suffering in the hospital from COVID-19. What a message of miraculous hope!
My Miracle Story!
by Parish from La.
“I have to share this with you, and I cannot explain it; however, I will try. I was down in the hospital [with COVID-19] and thought my world was crashing around me. I was so sad crying for [my family members who are also sick, two of whom were in the hospital]. I was a basket case. I was just so sad for everyone in the hospital. I mean, if you had seen me, you would have thought I was checking out, and everyone I loved was coming with me. And then came a little knock on my door and my nurse comes in and says, “Good Evening Parish. How are you doing?”
Well, you know me. I am a big guy. I pop up and say what I always say to everyone when asked that question: It’s another day in paradise. I am here to fight another day. Still, inside I am struggling with the fact that this could be it. But then Kelli, my nurse says, “Parish the Catholic Church dropped these MP3 players loaded with music on them for our patients to listen to. Would you like one?” I said, sure, I would love one. I read the information that was in a little blue pouch. I read the bottom of the card, Please pray for the intentions of Maria Mandras. I learned that it was Sounds of Peace, and the artist was Kitty Cleveland…Little did I know my life would change right then and there.
As soon as I turned on the music a calm came across my body. All my doubts, fears, and sickness left my body. I felt inspired and loved by God. The doctor came in and said, “You look too healthy to be here. Would you like to go home?” I started to cry again.
I thank everyone for all the prayers. I appreciate the healthcare providers at Lakeview Regional Medical Center that took care of me. I so love my wife Julie, who never gave up praying and fighting for me to be on the right medications. I thank all the friends who never quit praying for me. I thank Sounds of Peace and Kitty Cleveland for the fantastic music that they sent to me at my lowest point. I thank my teammates and friends who prayed for me. I thank my friend Scot who drove 2.5 hours one way to give me medication that would fight the virus, and I thank God for not leaving me and sending all these things my way to protect me. I still pray for everyone who is ill and has no one to pray for them.
COVID-19 is no joke. It takes over your lungs, and you cannot breathe…Life is so short, and you will not believe how many of your friends are praying for you. All thoughts and prayers are so appreciated!
Stay safe & be well! Happy Easter!!!! Without God, there is no hope. Through the resurrection, God gives us his Mercy and Grace to be a Light to the World today and every day! HE IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COVID-19 is a wake-up call to the World!”
What an incredible Easter miracle story, and it would never have happened without the generosity of my many friends and sponsors–both those who have sponsored my CDs over the last 20 years and those who have sponsored the Sounds of Peace digital music packages. May God bless each one of you with treasure in Heaven!
For those who would like to know more, each player package includes a mini MP3 (digital music) player loaded with $100 of music and prayer–all 9 of my CDs. I just ask for help covering my costs at $25 each, which allows me to buy two more players to replace it.
If you would like to learn more about how you can help sponsor a Sounds of Peace digital music player package for the sick and dying, and also how you can get one for yourself or a loved one, please go to God bless you, friends! Kitty