Now Available!

"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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John G.

Kitty, I picked your song up off of The Faithful Traveler series [actually, their web site after listening to one of your songs…and was impressed with your beautiful voice).  Will get another one shortly. God Bless, John Fredericksburg, VA


My friend, Helen, met you at a Catholic function and played your CDs regularly.  I first bought some for myself.  The ones I'm buying today are for my sister for whom I played your CD during this Christmastime.  You have a beautiful voice and a lovely, Christian spirit. God bless you, J.D. Metairie, LA


Hi Kitty; I am a Lighthouse Catholic Media Representative and just had to tell you that I loved your LCM CD. You have a delightful sense of humour, lovely laugh and a gorgeous voice. Blessings, Cynthia

Mary M Miller

Dear Kitty, I picked up your CD in the back of our church in the Lighthouse Media display.  The first time I heard your voice, I wept with joy at something so beautiful.  Your story is so powerful, as well, and parts of it resonated to me and my life. My husband is currently in […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

Join me for the Holy Spirit Novena!

Please join us each evening for the virtual Holy Spirit Novena at St. John of the Cross, beginning on Friday, May 22nd, at 6:30 pm CST and ending with the vigil for Pentecost Sunday, May 30th. I’ll be providing the music on Saturday evening, May 23rd, starting at 6:30 pm. Veni Sancte Spiritus! Set your alarm and tune in LIVE at 6:30 pm on YouTube at :