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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland
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Vicky T.
Kitty; Because I love your CDs so much, I was thinking that maybe (at some point-in-time) the Holy Spirit might guide you to write songs for the Adoration Chapel (I download my music to my iPod). I use your Divine Mercy CD, your Rosary CD, and others (such as the music / songs from the choir […]
Rosemary W.
Ms. Cleveland, I saw you several years ago on EWTN, was very moved by your voice, and purchased a CD (Sacred Arias ) then (I also bought a copy for my mother!). Last night I looked at your website and was really excited when I found out that you had recorded a CD of Gregorian chant […]
Catherine and Elizabeth C.
Kitty, Thank you. You have the voice of an angel. We saw many people with actual tears in their eyes as you blessed us with your voice, truly a gift from God. You added the spiritual touch to the evening as only you can do. Thank you so very much. Sincerely, Catherine and Elizabeth
Bernadette, Rebekah, and Catherine Fox
Hello, Kitty! My sisters and I are putting together a website for Catholic girls. We are almost finished with it ( We would like to put a music player on our website so girls can listen to good Catholic music while viewing our website. Would it be possible for us to put a few of your […]