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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland
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Linda Mercier
I attended the conference in New Orleans last summer, and it was great! When will your Sorrowful Mystery Rosary tape be ready for the public? I list to you almost day on my way to work. I tell friends that I am on a retreat in my car when I listen to you. May God […]
Vicky T.
Kitty, My name is Vicky, and I purchased your "Divine Mercy" CD a couple of weeks before Divine Mercy Sunday. –It is AWESOME !!! I love the songs, prayers, music, and your testimony. I listen to it ALL THE TIME and sing the songs when I can't listen to it. In fact, I was at […]
Katie J.
Dear Kitty, I just read your dad’s story this morning in the book, Amazing Grace for Those Who Suffer. So many sentences and phrases he used were phrases I used as I struggled through a different, though similarly isolated 4 years of persecution. p.53: For days I was in a trance-like state. Prayer was impossible for […]
Sr. Genevieve
Kitty–Someone gave us one of your rosary CD's, and I bought one for another friend. We are very pro-life – at the end of life – and like to pray the Rosary in the car. That’s mostly what we use it for. We listened to your witness in the refectory one day… liked it a […]