Now Available!

"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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LIVE Rosary every weekday morning



Hi Kitty I love your CD "Be not afraid" which I came across on an on-line music site and immediatley bought if from Amazon. I play in the car on my way to work and it helps me to start the day right.  I was playing it on the way to one of our Choir […]

Laura Y. Luera

Dear Kitty, I realy love your music.  You came lsat year on April 10, 2010, to sing for my nephew's wedding (MATTHEW and TARA HERNANDEZ). It was a BLESSING to have you sing at the wedding, and it was also BLESSING to have met you. Being from Texas I really did not know about you […]

Vicky Tuttle

Kitty, I will blanket the Washington, DC Metro Area with your email (Church-wise)!!!  Thank you and God Bless!!!!  Love the email AND the pictures!!!  By the way, you sing in my car all the time !!! Prayers for you and your family (especially your late-father), Vicky

Richie Aanderud

Thank you so very much for your beautiful voice, music and love for all of us. Be  safe.  May God bless you always, Rich 

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

Novena to Mary, Undoer of Knots begins today!

Here’s a printable PDF of the Mary, Undoer of Knots novena, which we will begin today at 6 am CT (7 am CT on Saturday and Sunday) LIVE on YouTube ( and on Instagram (@kittycleveland). Please join us!