Now Available!

"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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LIVE Rosary every weekday morning



Thank You so much for your testimony (on Relevant radio). It spoke right to me. It lifted my spirit and woke me up to find God in my everyday life. Your story inspires me! 🙂 Thank you again! All the Glory to God, Danielle


Kitty, Kitty, I've listened twice to your presentation sharing done recently on Relevant Radio (Twin Cities, Minnesota, station 1330 AM). I thank you for the beauty of your narratives, given to us listeners as a true rose from heaven. Have you considered writing a song with the title Rose from Heaven (actually, it would be […]

Nicole Gesualdo

I have just re-found the Lord and am grateful for the inspiration your site gives me!

David Craig

Dear Kitty, My wife and I met you a few years ago. Still have a  picture we took with you. I am on a men's Catholic ACTS retreat team for a retreat in Mystic, CT June 2-5th and I am giving one of the main talks called Adoration. I would like very much to play […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

Ordering Rosaries Made from Blessed Roses

How blessed we were on October 7, 2020, when we came together–both in person and virtually–to formally consecrate ourselves to Jesus through Mary after doing the 54-day rosary novena and the online 33 Days to Morning Glory retreat. And, oh, the roses! What glory! I’m thrilled to tell you that we have chosen a special artisan to craft our “signature rosary” out of the blessed rose petals. It will feature pale pink Hail Mary beads with pearl Our Father beads, and it will have a beautiful nickel silver crucifix and center medallion (with a rose charm attached, as well). These are heirloom rosaries made to last.

Each rosary is $125 (tax and shipping included), and they will be sent to you in the order that payments are received.  You may order up to four rosaries.

To send payment:

  1. Venmo–The best way is to send your payment is via (or the Venmo app) to @Kitty-Cleveland.
  2. Check–You can mail a check payable to Christiaria, LLC at PO Box 843, Madisonville, LA 70447.

No matter how you send payment, please include your mailing AND email address! The first 50 should be going out in December and January. Some will be delivered into February if you are in the second batch of 50.

God bless and keep you! I love our little rosary family,