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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland
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Elena Garza
Kitty, Your CDs have been an inspiration to me, and I listen to your music every day. The first time I ordered a CD from you (The Miracle of Divine Mercy) I couldn't wait to hear it! Every time I go to Holy Love they recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 o'clock. That was the […]
Dear Kitty, You asked me to send my story to you. So here it is. I am the Director of Liturgy and Music at my small church in Grand Prairie, TX. The Monday after Divine Mercy, planning upcoming liturgies, I was looking for a recording of a song with the same title as "In the […]
I had the pleasure of meeting you back in October, when I purchased several of your CDs. I gave my children's teachers (Kindergarten and 2nd grade) each a copy of your Children's Rosary CD. They both LOVE it. The Kindergarten teacher plays it every day at naptime, and she says it's unbelievably soothing to the […]
April Mayo
Kitty, I imagine Angels sound like your voice. Will you be doing any concerts at St. Peter in Covington soon? Thanks, so much for sharing your talent. You are such a blessing.
Kitty's Occasional Musings and News
How strange life is!

How strange life is: Twenty-three years ago today, my father reported to federal prison for a 10-year sentence after being unjustly convicted of crimes he didn’t commit. What a dreadful day that was. And 850 years ago today, St. Thomas Becket was unjustly and brutally martyred—at the hands of my father’s 23rd great grandfather (among others)!
This recent revelation has given me pause. Not only do I have great saints and great sinners in my family tree, I know that I have the capacity for both in my own soul.
It also reminds me that what man intends for evil, God can work for the good. What a profound mystery and great consolation this is: Through the cross to life!
With all humility, may we each continue to “work out our salvation with fear and trembling,” (St. Paul) treating all with the same mercy and kindness with which we hope to be treated by God upon our death.
My father was ultimately exonerated and now enjoys, I hope and pray, the glory of Heaven with St. Thomas Becket. May all the saints—our big brothers and sisters in the Faith—pray for us until we join their company!
(For my dad’s story in brief: