Now Available!

"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Pray with Kitty on YouTube

LIVE Rosary every weekday morning


Colleen Reilly

Kitty, Hello there! It looks like you're doing so great and enjoying life. I guess I could've just e-mailed you but I figured it would be fun to look in your guestbook and find a new entry ;-).  I am discvovering a whole new world (okay, I'm really not trying to sound like Arielle from […]

Gladys Fournet

Dear Kitty, I say the Rosary with you daily, in my car.   Our friend Daisy in Slidell, gave it to me and I have wanted you here in Franklin ever since.  I would like to speak to you about singing in our church one day. We hope to be in Lacombe on the 5th at 7PM. […]

Susan Leonard Hall

Your story and your music, shared with us at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, in Soddy Daisy, TN, continues to be an inspiration to me and others as we are going through some difficult times.  Everything is relative and you showed me what I always knew in my heart, that the Lord has a plan, and He […]

Betty Dowell

Hello Kitty, I am a newcomer to your music and absolutely love your "Be Not Afraid" CD!  It is the most amazing inspirational CD I've ever heard and you have such a beautiful voice! Thank you for sharing your God-given talent! Betty, Dallas, TX

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

Kitty’s book on the saints

So many of you have written to ask me about the book I occasionally read from before our morning rosary about the saint of the day, that I thought I’d just post this information here on my blog. The book is entitled Saints: A Year in Faith and Art by Rosa Giorgi. You can find it here at Ignatius Press. It’s a lovely little book!

And if you don’t know about the daily LIVE rosary I pray each weekday morning with my daughter, Cecilia, we’d love to have you join us on Instagram or YouTube! M-F at 6 am CT.