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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland
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Danielle Laird
Hello Kitty, This is Danielle, your 'assistant' from last weekend at Christ the Redeemer in Houston, TX. I so enjoyed getting to meet you and hear your songs and your testimony. You are so gracious and humble, and we were blessed that you could share your charisms with us. Just wanted to share a little […]
Mary Lynne Duncan
Kitty Thank you for your uplifting music and great storytelling. A friend from work gave your Lighthouse CD to me after another friend had given it to her. I have read the book Amazing Grace for Those Who Suffer and the book Our Lady of Kibeho…I also have a little girl named Cecelia who we […]
Kitty, I love your music! We listen to the chant CD every Sunday. My daughters love it.
David and Diana Carr
Kitty, We heard this Sunday your beautiful story of your walk with Christ on Relavent Radio in Austin, Texas. Thank you for sharing with us such a inspiring and uplifting walk with Jesus.
Kitty's Occasional Musings and News
New Fr. Jacques Philippe book study starts this week!

Hello, friends! I was compelled in prayer this morning to start our new LIVE book study on Interior Freedom (by Fr. Jacques Philippe) this Wednesday, January 20th, from 7-7:30 am CT on Instagram. I will post the videos to IGTV and upload them later to YouTube for those who would like to watch at another time. You won’t be disappointed! You can find the book at or at your local Catholic bookstore. Looking forward to you joining us!