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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland
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Opal Boudreaux
Oh what a night! Can’t believe it has come and gone after all the months of preparation! Your concert was all I thought it would be, and all I knew my friends and family would love and enjoy. I can’t thank you enough for coming to St. John Bosco Church Parish and pouring your love […]
Ken Roberts
Dear Kitty, Your concert tonight at St. John of the Cross Catholic Church in Lacombe,LA was a wonderful blessing. You focused us all on the Real Presence of Jesus during your sharing of your faith, your personal testimony, and your beautiful voice . I also was blessed with your sharing about Our Blessed Mary’s invitation […]
Kathleen Dolphin
My prayer life was altered when I learned of your beautiful voice just this past year. There is no other female voice with the clarity and crispness of your voice. I would love to hear you sing "Abide with me" and "Be thou my vision". These two hymns have comforted me through the recent death […]
Jay Arroyo
Dear Kitty, Hope this finds you well. I had the opportunity to listen to your CD "God Will Provide" last night. I am going through a difficult phase in my life right now….my wife has such strong Faith and at times I find myself asking…..Where are you God? I've been trying to find you ….I […]
Kitty's Occasional Musings and News
The Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Good Counsel
April 26, 2017; Several years ago, I sought spiritual direction from a priest in New Orleans who happens to have many mystical gifts. When I walked into the room, he said, “I see Our Lady of Good Counsel with you.” This is a centuries-old title for the Blessed Virgin Mary with a miraculous image associated with it. I was unfamiliar with the image, but when I returned home I realized that the icon hanging in my bedroom, which had been brought to me by my sister Caroline as a souvenir from Italy, was indeed Our Lady of Good Counsel.
Shortly thereafter, I gave a concert in Pensacola, FL. A delightful woman named Sara Edwards gifted me with a beautiful blue pearl and crystal necklace that she had made for me. Sara said that she usually adds a medal of St. Therese, but something told her that I needed Our Lady of Good Counsel! I think she was trying to get my attention. As my friend Katsey put it, Our Lady was just letting me know that she’s always here for me.
And then in September of 2018, I needed a birthday gift for a special friend, and I wanted it to be meaningful to her. As I prayed to Mother Mary for guidance, I instantly saw an image of Our Lady of Good Counsel in watercolor, a medium I don’t work in. After digging around in my daughter’s art supplies, I found what I needed and began to draw with watercolor pencils. I held my breath when I had to add the water, but it revealed a sweetness and tenderness that I came to love.
My friend appreciated the gift, and then it ended up on the cover of Religious LifeMagazine, which is sent to 2500 religious and every bishop in the U.S. They received it right before their general counsel to discuss the scandals caused by clergy in the Catholic Church–perfect timing for Our Lady of Good Counsel to land in their chanceries!
Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Good Counsel. Do you need some wise, loving advice from your heavenly mother? Turn to her. She is always, always waiting for you. For more information about the miraculous image: To purchase 11×14 matted and signed prints of My painting of Our Lady of Good Counsel, please visit my Etsy shop.