From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy

This title will be released on February 14, 2025

Deacon Carl Cleveland was a loving, successful, faithful man when his world came crashing down. Sentenced unjustly to prison, he endured the loss of all he had: his reputation, home, career, and family. From Prison to Paradise is the moving and inspirational account of Carl and his family discovery of God’s mercy and peace in the midst of their ordeal. Kitty Cleveland, an acclaimed singer and retreat leader, shares her own journey of surrender and trust, along with her father’s captivating and often humorous stories from “the inside.” Immaculee Ilibagiza, survivor of the Rwandan genocide and bestselling author, writes, “If you have ever struggled to make sense of suffering, forgive, or renew your faith, this book has something for you.”


Romy Lenon

Dear Kitty, Sending you warmest regards and hello from Sorrento, Western Australia! I found your name in youtube when browsing for Divine Mercy and listened to your very lovely voice. Should you happen to visit Western Australia in the future, kindly email me about the trip. I belong to the parish of Church of the […]

Dennis Rathbourn

Our choir director sent all members a link to a youtube song "In the Breaking of the Bread" which we will be singing this Sunday at Mass (St. Andrew Parish, Cape Coral, FL) and I must say, your voice brought tears to my eyes as it brought the image of Christ and his disciples after […]

Therese Meggetto

Hi Kitty, What can I say? Thank you for using your amazing gift to share Jesus' love with the world. Your ointment of love brings our Saviour so close to our hearts you can hear Him calling, encouraging and inviting us to trust and share in His love. Our world is so confusing at times […]

Opal Boudreaux

Oh what a night! Can’t believe it has come and gone after all the months of preparation! Your concert was all I thought it would be, and all I knew my friends and family would love and enjoy. I can’t thank you enough for coming to St. John Bosco Church Parish and pouring your love […]

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Become a part of the Morning Glory Family. Get Kitty’s latest blog posts and information. Interact with Kitty Cleveland and other rosary friends on the secure “Locals” platform.

Pray the Rosary

Each weekday morning, Kitty leads a live Rosary with spontaneous meditations on both Instagram and YouTube. Opening prayers start at 5:45 am CT, with the Angelus and Rosary at 6:00 am CT. If that time does not work for you, the recordings are always available. You are cordially invited to join the hundreds of “Morning Glories” who pray together every day! You can also find the “Kitty’s Morning Glories” community on Facebook for general prayer intentions and the weekend Rosary. Click here for the rosary guide with the Gospel readings and other prayers.


The powerful Divine Mercy Novena starts on Good Friday–join me!

Dear Friends,

This Friday, April 2, 2021, starts the powerful Divine Mercy novena. As many of you know, our family experienced a Divine Mercy miracle when my father was released from unjust imprisonment (more than seven years early!) during the Great Jubilee year of 2000. I had been doing the Divine Mercy novena for that particular intention, and he was released at 3 o’clock p.m.–the Hour of Mercy!–on the Thursday after Easter Sunday, three days before the first official Feast of Divine Mercy and the day of St. Faustina’s canonization. What a miracle of Mercy! Do you need a miracle right now? The floodgates of mercy will be open on Sunday, April 11th, and I want you to get “drenched” along with me!

Jesus told St. Faustina: “I desire that during these nine days you bring souls to the fountain of My mercy, that they may draw therefrom strength and refreshment and whatever grace they have need of in the hardships of life, and especially at the hour of death” (Diary, 1209).

My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and a shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day are opened all the divine floodgates through which graces flow. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity. Everything that exists has come from the very depths of My most tender mercy. Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity. The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness. It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My mercy. (Diary, 699).

To receive these graces, the only condition is to receive Holy Communion worthily on Divine Mercy Sunday (or the Vigil celebration) by making a good confession beforehand, staying in the state of grace, and trusting in His Divine Mercy. If you can go to confession in the next two weeks, that is ideal; but a confession at any point during Lent will suffice. “The graces of My mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive” (1578) (click this link if you cannot go to church or are seriously ill).

How to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet

You can download a guide to praying the chaplet, as well as a list of the prayers and petitions for each day of the Divine Mercy Novena at this link at the Catholic Company. I have recorded the sung Divine Mercy chaplet with a children’s choir and have it available in several places:

  1. On my CD, The Miracle of Divine Mercy, which also includes my Divine Mercy miracle story. You can download it from iTunes or stream it for free if you have Amazon Prime. You can also purchase the physical CD from Amazon.
  2. The entire CD, as well as my eight other CDs, are on the Sounds of Peace MP3 player.
  3. While I’m hoping to sing the chaplet live each day on Instagram, it’s looking like my schedule is going to make that really difficult at 3 pm CT each day. I have each of the nine days already recorded and uploaded to YouTube at this link from last year, so you can at least count on that. 🙂

Now is the time, my friends, to avail ourselves of the Time of Mercy! Let’s do this!

Yours in the Two Hearts,
