Now Available!

"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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The latest updates, special offers, and live videos for her inner circle

Pray with Kitty on YouTube

LIVE Rosary every weekday morning



Kitty, What a blessing you are! Your story on ‘God Will Provide’ brought me to tears on numerous occasions. Then…. the Gregorian Chant and Salve Regina…… WOW! What a gift!!! “Take Courage and know that I am God.” Continue your mission and you will hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!” Peace

Kathleen from Raleigh, NC

Hi Kitty, Do you foresee coming to the Raleigh, NC area anytime in the future? I listen to your Be Not Afraid CD often on my mp player while at work. Many times your music is my saving grace to remind me Jesus is with me and carrying me. I would love to hear you […]

Amy from Maine

I purchased your Christmas CD from the Catholic Women’s Conference in Maine. I could listen to this one every day, all year! Thank you for your obedience to the Lord in being a music missionary. God bless you and your family.

Rachel from Singapore

Dear Kitty, This is a note all the way from a grateful fellow Christian from tiny but swanky Asian Singapore. I have been listening to your sublime Gregorian chant and your hymns brought tears and warmed my heart countless times. In fact, I played Veni Creator Spiritus while on the surgery table delivering my third […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

Pray More Healing Retreat 2022

Hello, friends! Below you will find the links and content I mention in my videos for the Pray More Healing retreat. I’m praying for the power of the Holy Spirit to flood you with healing grace and merciful love. 

With joy,


P.S. Be sure to sign up for the Blog to the right (as well as for my newsletter, which is the popup on my home page) to keep in touch.

Talk 1: Putting Christ at the Center

1) Come start your day by praying the LIVE rosary with menew spontaneous meditations every day! You’ll be part of a fantastic community of hundreds of people, whom we affectionately call the “Morning Glories.” You can find me (and sometimes special guests) on YouTube and on Instagram every weekday morning at 6:00 am CT. If that time doesn’t work for you, our recordings are always available online. On the weekends you can pray along with the “Kitty’s Morning Glories” community at 7:00 am CT on our Facebook page. You can also ask for prayer and will find other enriching content. Join us!

2) If you’re looking for a nuts-and-bolts primer on the spiritual life, check out my friend Dr. Brant Pitre’s new book, Introduction to the Spiritual LifeIt’s a gem. And if you’re looking for exciting, relevant, free videos on the spiritual life, check out The Mission on the Mountain, where you’ll find some of my other videos, as well (even a cautionary tale about dabbling in the occult).







Talk 2: Learning How to Trust in God


  1. God Will Provide
  2. Surrender
  3. Be Not Afraid
  4. God Alone Is Enough

Video: To watch my personal testimony about my Dad’s imprisonment and our Divine Mercy miracle, click here.

Live Rosary:

  1. Kitty’s LIVE Daily Rosary on YouTube (M-F at 6 am CT–please click the red “Subscribe” button!)
  2. Kitty’s LIVE Daily Rosary on Instagram (M-F at 6 am CT–please click the “Follow” button!)

Facebook: The “Kitty’s Morning Glories” page is where the people who join me for the daily rosary share prayer requests and interesting tidbits of a Catholic nature, as well as announcements and updates to our events. Come hang out with us!










Talk 3: Trusting & Surrendering to God’s Will

Live Rosary: I’d love to have you join me and a wonderful group of people for the LIVE daily rosary on either Instagram or YouTube–and the meditations are different every day! We start a few minutes before 6 am CT, but the recordings are always available for you if a later time works better:

  1. Kitty’s Instagram page
  2. Kitty’s YouTube channel

You can also find us on the weekends at 7 am CT on Facebook at the Kitty’s Morning Glories page, with terrific guest leaders. It’s also a great place to ask for prayer and get a feel for our little online community.


  1. Surrender


  1. Kitty’s Divine Mercy miracle story about her dad
  2. Kitty’s reading of Searching for and Maintaining Peace by Fr. Jacques Philippe.


  1. He Leadeth Me by Walter Cizek, SJ
  2. With God in Russia by Walter Cizek, SJ
  3. Searching for and Maintaining Peace by Jacques Philippe

Talk 4: Recovering from Life’s Disappointments

Books: What Does God Want? by Fr. Michael Scanlan