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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Marisol from Pasadena, CA

Hi Kitty, I’ve been listening to your music every morning for a couple of years now. I learned about you and your album when I was looking for “Eagle’s Wings” (my favorite song since I was in second grade) on iTunes. I love your songs and they help me pray better, focus on Him (Yes, […]

Diana de Santis

I heard you on EWTN several times and had purchased several of your CDs, which I enjoy very much. About 4 years ago, I attended the Divine Mercy vigil Mass in Stockbridge, MA, and heard you sing “In the Breaking of the Bread”! It was the first Mass I attended where the attendees could not […]

Maria H.

Hi Kitty, I just had the privilege to hear your voice this morning at the show of Johnette Benkovic, and, WOW! what a beautiful voice. For me, you are a mezzo-soprano, which I love. You inspired me to be closer to the Blessed Mother. Your two songs were awesome. I will be listening to your […]

Zeny from Houston

Hi Kitty, talked to you last year in Houston, TX (Divine Mercy Conference at POP) and I requested for the texts of your compositions (Surrender, God will Provide and Now You Come to Me) because I love to sing with you as I play the CD. The lyrics are really beautiful and touching. Thanks so […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


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