Now Available!
"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland
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Marisol from Pasadena, CA
Hi Kitty, I’ve been listening to your music every morning for a couple of years now. I learned about you and your album when I was looking for “Eagle’s Wings” (my favorite song since I was in second grade) on iTunes. I love your songs and they help me pray better, focus on Him (Yes, […]
Diana de Santis
I heard you on EWTN several times and had purchased several of your CDs, which I enjoy very much. About 4 years ago, I attended the Divine Mercy vigil Mass in Stockbridge, MA, and heard you sing “In the Breaking of the Bread”! It was the first Mass I attended where the attendees could not […]
Maria H.
Hi Kitty, I just had the privilege to hear your voice this morning at the show of Johnette Benkovic, and, WOW! what a beautiful voice. For me, you are a mezzo-soprano, which I love. You inspired me to be closer to the Blessed Mother. Your two songs were awesome. I will be listening to your […]
Zeny from Houston
Hi Kitty, talked to you last year in Houston, TX (Divine Mercy Conference at POP) and I requested for the texts of your compositions (Surrender, God will Provide and Now You Come to Me) because I love to sing with you as I play the CD. The lyrics are really beautiful and touching. Thanks so […]
Kitty's Occasional Musings and News
ROSARY UPDATE: Happy Sunday, Friends! Here are the prototypes for the 3 different rosaries we are offering made from the dried roses from our August 15th 2nd-anniversary celebration–two silver ($125) and one gold ($135). All of them have Fatima centers. If you want GOLD and have already sent the $125 payment, please send an additional $10 via Venmo (@Kitty-Cleveland, last 4 digits of phone: 5676) or check (payable to Christiaria, LLC, PO Box 843, Madisonville, LA 70447).
If you have not ordered a rosary, you may still do so. They each take about 20 hours to make, so please be patient. 🙂
I need each person below to indicate in the comments (either here below or on Facebook in our Kitty’s Morning Glories group, where you can find an identical post) their selection with either Gold, Silver#1, or Silver #2. Thanks! They’re going to be gorgeous! Here are the checks we have received so far:
Adele Parker
Ann Genovese
Nieves Limoges
Camille Jarrell
Carol Corby
Cecilia Pribyl
Celeste Plauche
Connie Bocchieri
Corrine Breaud
Cyrel Antonatos
Deborah Fortina
Denise Singleton
Diane Boyd-Kosarich
Donna Miller
Edna Vargas
Flory Reynolds
Gabrielle Husers
Gail Callahan
Gert Kliebert
Gloria Piette
Grace Molina
Gretchen De Gruy
Helena Domingue
Irma Villarreal
Jane Malo
Jennifer Carter
Jill Fitzpatrick
Jill Fitzpatrick
Janitzia Horne
Joann Worley
Jolie Leblanc
Juliette Swiler
Kathy Maggio
Kathy Reed
Kim Paschall
Kristina Bromley
Lee De La Housssaye
Lizette Coleman
Lola Mahler
Marcia Waguespack
Margaret Cortez
Maria Ecuyer
Mariette Manual
Martha Blanchard
Mary Edens
Mary Lynne Marquardt
Maureen Stanoch
Melanie Arnold
Melissa Miller-Benson
Michelle Thomson
Mike Fulmer
Nancy Noble
Nicole Becnel
Nila Sigler
Opal Boudreaux
Paige Rosato
Pamela Abide
Patricia Garcia
Sarah Parrott
Sharon Hebert
Shelbey Thayer
Shelley Domingue
Shelley Pribyl
Sinia Urreta-Vacca
Stacey Bumpus
Stephanie Drewes
Sue Zaunbrecher
Theresa Falcone
Theresa Robinson
Tracy Barringer
Tracy Read
Trudy Currier
Veronica McAteer
God bless you!