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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Ken Haduch

Dear Kitty – I just wanted to send a note to say hello, and tell you how much I enjoy and love your CDs. My sister has given three of them to me – the “Sacred Arias” (which I just listened to here at work), the “Miracle of Love Rosary” (which I use in the […]

Nancy Coyne

Dear Kitty, Thank you for these beautiful CD’s. What a gift from God you have. I’m getting more of these tapes/CDs for Mother’s Day gifts! Thank you again! God bless, Nancy Coyne


Kitty, When I played your “Miracle of Love Rosary” CD on my computer. The screen displayed your name with three t’s. It reminded me of the three crosses on Calvary. It must have been a God-incident not an accident. It is great to pray in the car along with your tape all four decades of […]

Cindy Willard

Connecting with the Lord through your music has been my refuge more than once—any scheduled events coming up? God Bless

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


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