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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Michele Wysocki

I am a recent returnee to the Catholic faith. I heard one of your new songs from The Miracle of Love Rosary and thought it was beautiful. I ordered my own copy so I could play it every day to meditate on the love of our Lord. Thank you!!!

Gloria Knapp

Thank you, Kitty, for making my day. I’m late in finding you, but thanks be to God I found you through my Godmother in Houston, TX. Your voice…what can I say? Hope to meet you personally some day. Keep up the wonderful apostolic work. Gloria Bordeaux Knapp RN

Guy A. Chiappetta

Kitty, You are a rare and beautiful talent. Your voice is extraordinary and your manner and professionalism are exemplary. I am convinced that your talent is definitely from and for our Lord and Savior. God bless you, and may your career always reflect the joy that you are to everyone.

Millie Saunders

I am reading Amazing Grace For Those Who Suffer and came upstairs and typed your name in the computer – so I am a new listener. We are going to New Orleans in June and maybe we will have the opportunity to learn more about you. I am anxious to hear your CDs. Peace be […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


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