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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Walter & Sarah Linz

Kitty, You have a marvelous gift. My wife and I play your CDs often. It seems we always get around to commenting on how fortunate we are to have your voice and music selections in our family possessions. O Holy Night is a particular favorite this time of year. We will ponder ways including prayer, […]

Andrew Kash

Dear Kitty, God Bless You! I just received my second copy of “Sacred Arias” yesterday & love it so much. I gave my first copy to a friend in my church, Mary, Mother of the Church, in Garner, NC. Your music is such a blessing for me. When I hear you sing, I feel like […]

Bernie Choiniere

Hi Kitty–Wow!! You may not remember me, but I just wanted to say thank you for your lovely story about your performance in Rome for Pope Peter. You spoke to my heart so loudly and clearly. Our work, our music ministry for the church, like the Mass, is timeless. Whether you sang for JP 2 […]

Deacon Ed & Sally

:sigh We received your email about the concert near N.O. and we are praying very hard that all will go well for you. We so enjoyed your concert at St. Timothy’s. God has blessed you with such a beautiful talent. You MUST be His missionary of music! Much love and God’s Blessings, Deacon Ed and […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

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