From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy

This title will be released on February 14, 2025

Deacon Carl Cleveland was a loving, successful, faithful man when his world came crashing down. Sentenced unjustly to prison, he endured the loss of all he had: his reputation, home, career, and family. From Prison to Paradise is the moving and inspirational account of Carl and his family discovery of God’s mercy and peace in the midst of their ordeal. Kitty Cleveland, an acclaimed singer and retreat leader, shares her own journey of surrender and trust, along with her father’s captivating and often humorous stories from “the inside.” Immaculee Ilibagiza, survivor of the Rwandan genocide and bestselling author, writes, “If you have ever struggled to make sense of suffering, forgive, or renew your faith, this book has something for you.”


Joan Frances Roberts

Thank you for the great artistic talents and voice singing this Christian song. The Pope will be replaced, but his presence will always be with us. :roll


Thanks for the e-mail & samples! 🙂


:grin 🙂 :grin 🙂 Way to Go Girl! What an inspiration Pope John Paul II obviously was to you. As they say, singing is praying twice. Great way to carry on his legacy. God Bless Your Day!! Keep Up the Great Works!! :grin :grin :grin 😉 🙂

Mag Smith

I have just listened to your song in memory of Pope John Paul. It is so beautiful! I came to know your music through my sister and brother-in-law, Betsy and Bob Marino (They live in Mandeville and are members of Our Lady of the Lake Parish). I have also had the pleasure of hearing you […]

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Pray the Rosary

Each weekday morning, Kitty leads a live Rosary with spontaneous meditations on both Instagram and YouTube. Opening prayers start at 5:45 am CT, with the Angelus and Rosary at 6:00 am CT. If that time does not work for you, the recordings are always available. You are cordially invited to join the hundreds of “Morning Glories” who pray together every day! You can also find the “Kitty’s Morning Glories” community on Facebook for general prayer intentions and the weekend Rosary. Click here for the rosary guide with the Gospel readings and other prayers.


Reflections on Love

This picture is hard for me to contemplate, but not as hard as it used to be.  What follows below is the answer to a question I once posed to the Lord when doing the 8-day silent Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.  We were supposed to be meditating on the Passion, but I just couldn’t stay with it.  I asked, “Lord, WHAT IS MY PROBLEM?”  This is what I heard in the depths of my heart.  I hope it speaks to your heart, as well.

August 23, 2003, 6:45 p.m.

“My little lamb, the purpose of you meditating on my Passion is not to instill guilt in you.  It is for you to understand what lengths I was willing to go for love of you.  You’ve heard this many times before, but you’ve never fully grasped it.  The cross should first of all instill joy in you, because that is how much I love you!  No sacrifice was too great for me to have the possibility of having you with me forever in heaven.
“Once you grasp that love, once you really know me and know what I’m all about, then you might be led to compunction of heart.  But you were trying to go from guilt to love, and the heart just doesn’t work that way.  So doing your examination of conscience, going to confession — it’s always been a stumbling block for you because you were experiencing the shame of your sins without the foundation of my love to sustain you.

“You need to know that I would never do anything to hurt you.  I may allow you to experience the pain of the lance so that the deeper sickness and pain can be cured, and sometimes others may hurt you, but I always long to console you and to hold you close to my heart.  I never will the actual pain.  In allowing Lazarus to die I wasn’t indifferent to his suffering and to the suffering of his family.  It broke my heart!  How much I wanted to heal him!  But I knew that his death was necessary for them to know the redemptive power I offer and for many, many souls to be saved.  Knowing what they know now, Lazarus would have died 1,000 deaths for the consolation he has in heaven over the fruit borne from that sacrifice.
“You will not always understand the suffering in your life, but know that I will never leave you, forsake you, or trick you.  You are my beloved.  The cross is simply a reminder of my love, which will follow you wherever you go, whatever you do.  My love is real, it’s personal, it’s passionate, and it’s forever.”