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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Becky Lillis Bogante

WOW! Kitty, that was unbelievable!!! If I were not rejoicing with you, I would be crying. The Holy Spirit works wonderfully through you–it is such a great gift!Thank you! God Bless your work.

Nia Orlob

I am Catholic Portuguese in international Christian church. So beautiful, so high inspiration, how Jesus in the Pope was and will stay thrüogh you. In Christ Jesus

Alma Roohi

Your song is incredible and so inspirational. What a beautiful tribute! Miss you–hope all is well.

Donna Rivera

I just listened to your song “Now You Come To Me”…you couldn’t have expressed our Pope’s life any better if you’d had him dictating to you the words for the song. It is so beautiful & moving & inspiring. Thank You!! 🙂

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

Gregorian chant: Miracle music?

Dear Kitty,

I would like to praise the Lord for your gift and your music.  I want to share a miracle experience.

Our family took our 28 year old son, John, to a shrine in Wisconsin, Our Lady of Good Help,* where we prayed for healing for him because he has been afflicted for thirteen years by a very severe psychiatric condition.   For the past four years, he has been tormented daily by voices that have screamed at him and called him names and told him the neighbors wanted to hurt him.  No medicine or treatment has been able to silence the voices.

On Sunday, the Feast of Corpus Christi and the thirtieth anniversary weekend of Our Lady, Queen of Peace’s apparitions in Medjugorje, we went to the shrine.  While we were there, just before 2:00 benediction, John lay down on a pew in the chapel.  Your music from the Sublime Chant CD was playing.  My husband, daughter and I went out to say a rosary on the grounds.  A few minutes later, John came out and said that he had been healed.  He said that he heard beautiful music and experienced a feeling of warmth flowing through his body and especially through his brain.  He knew he was being healed.

It is now three days later and the voices have been silenced.  He has not had racing thoughts or extreme anxieties.  He has your chant CD and plays it before he goes to sleep at night.

May God be praised for your gift and for your response to Him who called you into this ministry.


*Note from Kitty:  Our Lady of Good Help has been declared by the local bishop to be the site of an authentic Marian apparition worthy of belief, the first such site in the U.S. to date.