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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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John Dilkey

Hey Kitty and Mel, Wow! Now that is a cute baby Congratulations!! Can’t wait to see her in person. Love the name. Joan is out of town until tomorrow. She’ll be so excited. Enjoy the rest of the trip. Will be looking forward to hearing all about it. John

Therese Wilcox Dupei

I heard you sing at a funeral on July 1st. Now I know what the angels must sound like. I had goosebumps during the service. You are truly blessed to have such a beautiful voice. I work with Sharon Clouatre and I was telling her how much I loved your music. She told me about […]

Joey Cleveland

Hi, Kitty! Thanks for the newsletter, which I really appreciate receiving. I don’t know how you do all that you do! So glad to hear you have a data entry person. God bless her! I hope to be a stable presence in Cecilia’s life. After reading a few stories of other Chinese adoptions, one common […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News


This is a video of me telling my dad’s Divine Mercy miracle story, which Jeff Cavins asked me to do this for his new prayer study called “Walking Towards Eternity.” I can’t help but get a bit choked up, so please bear with me!  God’s greatest attribute is MERCY! Pass it on…

Love’s other name is Mercy!