Now Available!

"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

Kitty Cleveland's new book, NOW AVAILABLE!

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Kristina McSalis

Where can I buy the sheet music for this song! It’s beautiful! Thank you for sharing! KMM 🙂

Gabriela Donley

Some days ago I received the Sacred Arias CD. There are not enough words to describe the effect of these music in me since it has brought a huge amount of memories from my childhood and youth when we used to sing in the chorus in our church. It is such an angelic work and […]

MaryLou Ampil

Your Miracle of Divine Mercy CD is so beautiful. A couple of weeks ago, I was driving around waiting for the time for me to pick up my husband at work. I was deciding to go to a Religious store or Target or anywhere. An angel came to me and whispered to go to the […]


I have just spent the last one and a-half hours reading over your website and it is just beautiful! It is the 2nd time I have visited it. A friend lent me “The Miracle of Divine Mercy” cd last summer when she heard of the personal crisis my family was and is still going through […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

“Hail, Holy Queen” now available!

December 8, 2016. Thanks for your feedback on my new CD cover, friends. I took it all into consideration, made some tweaks, and am thrilled to announce that Hail, Holy Queen is now available for purchase! Just go to the Music section of this website.  For a special animated 3-D glimpse of the new CD,  click here.  And after you have look and a listen, please enter your comments below (if it will make me feel good).

P.S. I’ll extend my concert special to you online since I’m not having a Christmas concert this year: Any 10 CDs for $100, and FREE shipping! But…you need to send the money through Pay Pal (friends and family) to for that deal.  Just put your address and the number of CDs in the memo.  Thanks!