From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy

This title will be released on February 14, 2025

Deacon Carl Cleveland was a loving, successful, faithful man when his world came crashing down. Sentenced unjustly to prison, he endured the loss of all he had: his reputation, home, career, and family. From Prison to Paradise is the moving and inspirational account of Carl and his family discovery of God’s mercy and peace in the midst of their ordeal. Kitty Cleveland, an acclaimed singer and retreat leader, shares her own journey of surrender and trust, along with her father’s captivating and often humorous stories from “the inside.” Immaculee Ilibagiza, survivor of the Rwandan genocide and bestselling author, writes, “If you have ever struggled to make sense of suffering, forgive, or renew your faith, this book has something for you.”


Judith Ann

Your voice, songs and words of faith have changed my life forever. Our Lord certainly directed me to you in my searching for my lost faith. Thank you, Kitty. Judith Ann

Kristina McSalis

Where can I buy the sheet music for this song! It’s beautiful! Thank you for sharing! KMM 🙂

Gabriela Donley

Some days ago I received the Sacred Arias CD. There are not enough words to describe the effect of these music in me since it has brought a huge amount of memories from my childhood and youth when we used to sing in the chorus in our church. It is such an angelic work and […]

MaryLou Ampil

Your Miracle of Divine Mercy CD is so beautiful. A couple of weeks ago, I was driving around waiting for the time for me to pick up my husband at work. I was deciding to go to a Religious store or Target or anywhere. An angel came to me and whispered to go to the […]

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Pray the Rosary

Each weekday morning, Kitty leads a live Rosary with spontaneous meditations on both Instagram and YouTube. Opening prayers start at 5:45 am CT, with the Angelus and Rosary at 6:00 am CT. If that time does not work for you, the recordings are always available. You are cordially invited to join the hundreds of “Morning Glories” who pray together every day! You can also find the “Kitty’s Morning Glories” community on Facebook for general prayer intentions and the weekend Rosary. Click here for the rosary guide with the Gospel readings and other prayers.


New CD Project: Mary, My Mother and Queen

fatimaMay 13, 2016–Feast of Our Lady of Fatima

Dear Friends,

After Mass this morning I was moved to go to our parish Perpetual Adoration Chapel with my daughter–something I haven’t made time for in too long.  As I prayed with the day’s scripture readings, I heard deep in the recesses of my heart, “It’s time.”

For a couple of years now I’ve been telling people that my next CD will be all about Mary, as a token of love and appreciation for all that she has done for me as a spiritual mother over the course of my life (and usually without thanks or recognition).  I just haven’t felt like the timing was right for me to begin the hard work of creating a new CD, at least not until today.

It’s time.

It makes sense that my instruction would come today on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, as next year at this time we will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of her first apparition in Fatima, Portugal, in which she gave urgent messages for our times.  Many have speculated on the significance of this centennial.  All I know is that I have been given a mandate, and I feel called to give the CD to Lighthouse Catholic Media to manufacture and sell at a bare bones price ($2-3/CD) should they choose do so.

Will you help me honor Our Lady of Fatima on her 100th anniversary?Continue reading