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"From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy" by Kitty Cleveland

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Bonnie Schmelter
Dear Kitty, how strange life can be. This “dyed in the wool” Lutheran was flicking channels one night and zoomed past EWTN, only to return to listen to your beautiful voice…and it was a pleasure and is every morning. I have made it a point to stop at Christian Book Stores and am sorry to […]
Tiffany Maholm
Kitty, It was such a pleasure meeting you on Saturday morning. Thank you so much for your amazing talk and even more amazing singing voice. I am truly blessed to have been there. I was the person who told you that I loved the Bach/Gounod version of the Ave Maria that you sang—having had it […]
Allecia Imboden
Dear Kitty, I may be one of the most unlikely persons you’d expect to comment on your music. I am a born-again Christian. I’m certainly not bragging. I am simply one of those great sinners, saved by God’s grace. A few weeks ago, I believe on your birthday, I was bored and flicking through channels. […]
Erin Deen
Your singing is so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes!!! I heard you sing on EWTN Thursday night. I will be purchasing your CD ASAP.
Kitty's Occasional Musings and News
A girl walks into a bar…
So I walked into the bar at the Southern Hotel last night (my daughter’s choir was singing at the hotel), and a woman asked me if I was Kitty Cleveland. Her name was Mary, she said. She had just moved here from CA, and her late mother had given her one of my CDs at least 10 years ago. She recognized me from the CD cover (yay!).
Mary continued that after her mother passed away, she stopped in at a small church on the Sonoma Coast. It was Mother’s Day, and she was really missing her mom. To her astonishment, at the end of the Mass they played my CD–the same one her mom had chosen for her! And here we were meeting for the first time 10 years later, in a bar across the country. Isn’t that cool? I love it when things like that happen. God’s mercies are endless. ðŸ’