From Prison to Paradise: A Story of Radical Trust in God's Divine Mercy

This title will be released on February 14, 2025

Deacon Carl Cleveland was a loving, successful, faithful man when his world came crashing down. Sentenced unjustly to prison, he endured the loss of all he had: his reputation, home, career, and family. From Prison to Paradise is the moving and inspirational account of Carl and his family discovery of God’s mercy and peace in the midst of their ordeal. Kitty Cleveland, an acclaimed singer and retreat leader, shares her own journey of surrender and trust, along with her father’s captivating and often humorous stories from “the inside.” Immaculee Ilibagiza, survivor of the Rwandan genocide and bestselling author, writes, “If you have ever struggled to make sense of suffering, forgive, or renew your faith, this book has something for you.”


Erin Deen

Your singing is so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes!!! I heard you sing on EWTN Thursday night. I will be purchasing your CD ASAP.

Prof. Dr. Edward G.

+ Pax Dear Kitty, I love your music and I love your way to live openly, naturally, with dignity and grace, your faith. I am very sorry for your father, and I admire your public stand on his behalf. Myself, I did not know my father, almost: he died as a Russian soldier (commander of […]

Yvonne Hymel

I am the coordinator of the RCIA process at St. Clement of Rome Church in Metairie. We are talking with the catechumens and candidates about “Faith”, what it means, how they can become open to this great gift and what keeps us from receiving it. Basic to faith is to come in touch with our […]

Sandy McGrath

What a Wonderful and Beautiful Voice I heard early this morning on EWTN..Sept. 19th, 2006. I’m so happy I turned on the TV– I will continue to e-mail you..Will tell my family all about you!! God Has Blessed my day.

Click here for more Guestbook entries.

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Pray the Rosary

Each weekday morning, Kitty leads a live Rosary with spontaneous meditations on both Instagram and YouTube. Opening prayers start at 5:45 am CT, with the Angelus and Rosary at 6:00 am CT. If that time does not work for you, the recordings are always available. You are cordially invited to join the hundreds of “Morning Glories” who pray together every day! You can also find the “Kitty’s Morning Glories” community on Facebook for general prayer intentions and the weekend Rosary. Click here for the rosary guide with the Gospel readings and other prayers.


I Had the Strangest Dream…

I had the strangest dream last night. I had been invited to sing at a Catholic church, where the whole parish was enthusiastic and welcoming. But when it was time to go to Communion, rather than being given the consecrated, living host, I was given a small, beautiful icon of Mary holding the child Jesus–and it was made out of white chocolate! Another one was given to my daughter. It was beautiful to look at and tasted delicious–but it was not the living sacrifice of the Mass. And on the flip side of the paper it came with a price: $11. The pastor had decided that they would charge people for the “Eucharist” as a way to support the parish, and everyone seemed happy to go along.

John 6 immediately came to mind: “Jesus said to them, ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died, whoever eats this bread will live forever.’”

My take-aways:

1) I’m hungry for God, not for chocolate;
2) We are called to come to the table “without cost;”
3) The Holy Eucharist is not a treat, a symbolic wafer, or a gimmick. It is the living body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ, in whom I find eternal life. Hallelujah!