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LIVE Rosary every weekday morning


Jacquie Obos

Hi, Kitty–You asked how I heard about your CD’s. I had put an order through EWTN (I think) and your Sacred Arias was offered. I was so pleased with it that I thought I’d try another of your CD’s. I also do volunteer work at St. Mary in the Mountains Catholic Church in Virginia City, […]

Doug Sherman

We would like to use the meditations from Kitty’s Miracle of Love Rosary for our parish’s pro life Rosary each week. Do you have a printed copy of those meditations that you could send to me? Kitty – you have a lot of fans out here. We play your beautiful Rosary on our 15 Catholic […]

Denise Dupont



Kitty, I saw you on TV last year when I just happened to turn to EWTN. I heard you sing “Surrender” and knew I wanted to hear more. I have been through great loss, great rejection, and had found God to be all that I need, so thank you for the music. The new album […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

Our Lady of Fatima surprises once again!

So a couple of days ago a woman pulls her car behind my car and blocks me in, just as I’m getting ready to leave St. Peter’s in Covington. She gives me a long, excruciatingly detailed story that I don’t believe in the slightest bit, asking if I can give her gas money to get to the hospital to visit her dying mother.

I’m pretty sure I met this same woman a couple of years back in the Target parking lot with a similar sob story. I had told her to meet me at the gas station so I could fill up her tank, but she never showed up.

Everything in me is now recoiling from this woman, and I do not want to be shafted (again).  But I have just come from the adoration chapel where I had been daydreaming about this very scenario–a grifter asking me for money!

I had seen myself reach into the glove compartment of my car, pull out an old Magnificat prayer book with $5 in it, and then hand it to the person saying, “There are all kinds of treasure in here.”

Ten minutes later, and I’m now facing this exact scenario. Assuming the daydream was a nudge from God, I tell her to wait.

I reach into the glove compartment and find an old Magnificat. I flip it open to stick in a fiver, and it lands on the meditation for May 13, 2014, “Graces of Our Lady of Fatima.” I take notice but don’t have time to read it. Handing her the book I repeat what I had just mentally rehearsed in the chapel: “There are all kinds of treasure in here.”

It is just now hitting me that this was no mere coincidence, especially considering the CD I just released is dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima in anticipation of the 100th anniversary of the first Fatima apparition in 1917. So for what it’s worth, here is the meditation I flipped to from May 14, 2014: