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Susie Zitzmann

I have been thinking about what impressed me about your resent concert, and I have one thought among many that is prevelant–that is, the beautiful peace that consumes you not only during your singing but also appears through your devotion. It is beautiful to feel and see. How do you achieve such a state?

Kathleen Johnson

Dear Kitty, I took my two 10-year-old nieces to your concert at St. John of the Cross in Lacombe last Saturday. We all enjoyed the concert tremendously. The next day I saw my brother-in-law and he couldn’t thank me enough for taking his daughter to the concert. He said she was so excited when she […]

Kathy Hardey

Hi Kitty, We were long-time parishioners of Our Lady of the Lake and were graced with your beautiful voice on countless occasions…I remember several times hearing your rendition of “In the Breaking of the Bread”. It was such a joy to hear a small snippet of it on your website. You sang it on Easter […]

Karen Gibbs

Dear Kitty, Wanted to thank you for the beautiful and inspiring concert Saturday. This was your best concert ever. Your voice was clear and lovely as always. Your repartee with the audience was A+–the anecdotes shared, audience sing-alongs, your Mom singing with you and your fan singing with you–it was all a taste of heaven. […]

Sounds of Peace

The Miracle ~ The Music ~ The Mission


Kitty's Occasional Musings and News

Statement on Charlie Johnston

Friends, for those of you who attended the meeting with Charlie Johnston in Covington, LA, last year at the Fleur de Lis Center, I think it’s important to emphasize (again) that the Archbishop of Denver later issued a cautionary statement “strongly advising the faithful to exercise prudence and caution in regards to Mr. Charlie Johnston’s alleged divine visions and messages.” I took that message to heart then, and I still do.
An additional statement was released yesterday that stated, “The events of 2016/17 have shown that Mr. Johnston’s alleged visions were not accurate and the Archdiocese urges the faithful not to condone or support further attempts to reinterpret them as valid.” May God bless Charlie as he continues–like the rest of us–to prayerfully discern God’s will, ever guided by those with benevolent authority over us.