1. After reading your father’s story in “Amazing Grace”, I would like to get the lyrics to your song “Surrender”,. Are they available on-line?

  2. Kitty,
    I facilitate a group of women in an Ignatian pray study out of New Orleans called ” Lord, Teach Me To Pray. ”
    We enjoy the music very much, but especially your “Surrender” hymn. Could you please provide the words
    for me? It is very beautiful and the ladies have been asking me to request the words so they can understand
    it all.
    Thank you

  3. Dear Kitty,

    My mom saw you perform at least a decade ago at St Richards in Jackson, MS. It was during a horrific lightning storm, so I did not attend, However my (fearless) mom attended and afterwards bought your CD with the prison story (wow!) including your song “Surrender”.

    You signed it for me!

    Just listening to “Surrender” tonight…so moves my heart. Can you email me the lyrics so I can sing and pray along?

    All the best of God’s graces.

    In The Carpenters’ Son

  4. Kitty,

    I have your surrender song and was wondering if you could email me the lyrics? I want to use this beautiful song during our CRHP weekend coming up in May 2017. This will allow those that are listening to follow along with the song. Thanks

  5. Hi Kitty. I am sitting at the Women’s Day of Faith conference at Our Lady of the Valley church in Windsor, Colorado, waiting for the chance to hear you begin talking again. I was so taken by your talk this morning about your Dad. I have a sister struggling with depression and wanting to end her life. I so want her to surrender her troubles. I started to write down a line from your song, “Surrender” – it hit a cord and I believe I need to say it to her but I didn’t get the whole line. Would you finish the line for me? “In my imperfections…”. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you and God Bless you.

    • Stacey,

      I’m so sorry to hear of your sister’s depression, and I do pray she’s getting professional help. I’m thinking perhaps it’s the last verse of the song:

      “And so I gave you my life, my very soul,
      learning to let go, surrender control,
      Then I took courage, though scorned and rejected’
      For it’s in my weakness that your power is perfected.”

      If that’s not it, you can google the song and listen to the whole thing on YouTube. God bless you! Kitty Cleveland

  6. Dear Kitty, I too would love a copy of the words to “Surrender”. I am a facilitator for LTMTP and I’d like to have a copy of the words Thursday for our meeting. I hope this is possible. I messaged you on your webpage. Thank you.

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