Kitty’s FREE Online Advent Retreat Starts Monday, November 29th! (Registration link below)

Dear Friends,

I was thrilled to have been asked by John-Paul and Annie, the wonderful couple behind the website, to do a series of short videos to help you prepare in an intentional way this Advent for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. I chose the following themes:

Talk 1: Trust During Trials.

Talk 2: Peace I Leave with You

Talk 3: Imitating Mary in the Heart of the Trinity

Talk 4: Taking Mary As Your Own Mother

In all, six speakers have provided a total of 19 videos for you to watch at your own pace, and it’s free of charge! With over half a million subscribers, I hope that you, too, will take advantage of this opportunity to grow in grace this Advent by registering at John-Paul and Annie will send you a link to begin on Monday, and I will be posting another blog with the links that I reference in the videos.

You can read more about each of the speakers and the topics we will be covering by clicking on the image below:

Additionally, Ceci and I would love to have you join us for the LIVE rosary with spontaneous meditations each weekday morning at 6 am CT on Instagram and YouTube. If you can’t join us live, you can always catch the recordings later in the day if that works better for you. We have such a wonderful community–now about 600 people strong each day, with 200+ joining us live. There’s even a “Kitty’s Morning Glories” page on Facebook where the morning rosary friends connect outside of our prayer time.

Whatever you choose to do,  I will be praying for you to have a rich, peaceful Advent season full of the joy of the Lord!

In His Love,
