“In the Breaking of the Bread”

April 27 2014:  Happy Feast of Divine Mercy!  And happy Canonization Day, Blessed John Paul II!  This song, “In the Breaking of the Bread” (written by Michael Ward), is my very favorite song to sing EVER.  I sing it every year on the Feast of Divine Mercy after Communion in thanksgiving for the gift of Divine Mercy in my life and in my family’s.  In fact, today is the 14th anniversary of the day my father was miraculously released from unjust imprisonment!

My friend Msgr. Christopher Nalty posted this video (created by another friend of his) on youtube that puts images to the song.  You can find the song on my CD, The Miracle of Divine Mercy–hope you enjoy it, and Happy Easter!


  1. I received such a blessing in hearing you sing In the Breaking of the Bread.  You bring the story to life!  Praise God!

  2. This is so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes.  Thank you Kitty!

  3. Kitty, this remains one of my favorite songs that you sing.  I first heard this song on your CD, The Miracle of Divine Mercy.   The celebration of Divine Mercy brought me back to life when I first discovered St. Faustina back in 2003.  That is when I returned to the Catholic Church after many sad and lost years.  Praise Jesus!

    You have been such a wonderful influence in my life ever since I first heard that CD.  Bless you, Kitty.

    Judith Ann Conigliaro

  4. Hi Kitty,

    Today I listened to a recording, made available through Lighthouse, of your musical version of St. Faustina's Divine Mercy chaplet and your testimony. It brought back many memories. I was a convert to Catholicism after two of our four children were born.  It was many years later, during one of the many crises our family have walked through with Jesus that I received deeper revelations of our faith, both through Scott Hahn's books and St. Faustina's book on the Divine Mercy.

    They also helped to overcome some lingering protestant misgivings about Mary as well as finally understanding with my heart and not just with my head about the Real Presence. Although two of my children still suffer from significant mental health issues and I am mostly housebound, spending the vast majority of my time in bed, the Holy Spirit draws me ever closer to surrender.

    My first known experience with the third person of the Holy Trinity was when at age nine I attended church revival with my best friend, whose family was Pentecostal. The Lord waited until I was 16 to free up the gift of praying in the Spirit and others, as I was a little more mature in my understanding of when and how to use them. I married right after highschool in 1971 to Frank who was raised Catholic but not practicing then. During our courtship he had a powerful experience with the Holy Spirit as well.

    When our first child was almost two, we were led to become part of a multi-denominational, charismatic community, Alleluia, that remains largely Catholic. If you are interested in our ministry, we have a website. Within a year or two the Lord spoke to my heart about becoming Catholic. This summer we celebrate our 44th anniversary as a couple and 41st year as a part of Alleluia.  Our lives have been truly abundant, full of joy and sorrow, as we walk with our merciful, loving Lord.(4 adult children, 9 grandchildren).

    Since I was nine I believed the Lord was drawing me to minister in South America but I think I finally understand that He was using this idea to do a work of surrender in me. My life has been nothing like I believed it would be, and I still struggle at times with the Martha/Mary conflict but each day brings me closer to "thy will, not mine." My husband retires this summer after 31 years of teaching in our community school, truly a sheherd to the Lord's lambs and will be to his last breath. We look forward to this next season and whatever our Lord has planned for us. Thank you for yielding your life to Jesus and his call, and the blessing and encouragement you are to so many.

    May God bless you in return, pressed down and overflowing,


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