Kitty; Because I love your CDs so much, I was thinking that maybe (at some point-in-time) the Holy Spirit might guide you to write songs for the Adoration Chapel (I download my music to my iPod). I use your Divine Mercy CD, your Rosary CD, and others (such as the music / songs from the choir of the Basilica of The Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC), but was thinking along the lines of more prayers and songs (from you — sorry I LOVE your CDs so much) to use while in the Adoration Chapel.
Sometimes I just need to deviate from the traditional means (Rosary, especially) because it is difficult to focus after so many times. I have been searching for a CD with prayers such as those found on the back of Holy Cards (particularly St. Anthony, St. Jude, Guardian Angel, etc.) but to no avail. Carrying the Holy Cards is no problem, but, again, I LOVE your CDs and would cherish another with prayers or songs of prayers to the saints, Holy Spirit, angels, etc. Prayers/songs with petitions AND thanksgivings. You can even make another CD with only Novenas. When it comes to the part (in the prayers) where you make your "intention(s)" or "thanksgiving" perhaps you can rearrange the prayers to say "for those intentions we ask of you at the end of this prayer/song" or "in thanksgiving for that of which we specify in thought(s), word(s), or meditation at the end of this prayer/song." This sounds a bit strange but hopefully I convey the idea.
Then you can make another CD with whatever the Vatican declares as the theme for the year. You do not need to keep pace with the themes for the years but they could be inspirations for you. Another CD with Adoration songs and reflections. "Could you not keep one hour with me?" I can jot some thoughts down for you as there is much material to cover while in the Adoration Chapel. (No pressure, though.)