Tiffany Maholm

Kitty, It was such a pleasure meeting you on Saturday morning. Thank you so much for your amazing talk and even more amazing singing voice. I am truly blessed to have been there. I was the person who told you that I loved the Bach/Gounod version of the Ave Maria that you sang—having had it sung by a good friend of ours at my own wedding. Anyhow, I just went to put on your CD and saw the inscription you put on the CD—“To Tiffany, the Ave Maria is for you. God Bless, Kitty” Thank you so very much!! The story of your Father is truly amazing also—I know I keep using that word “amazing” but that is what it most surely is. I will be sure to ask for you father’s intercession. Thank you again for sharing a little of yourself w/all of us and May God continue to Bless you and your family.