Hi Kitty,
I just listened to your CD from LIghthouse Catholic Media, God Will Provide. Thank you so very much for sharing your testimony, you are a gifted singer! Our 3 year old says mommmy I wanna hear that Jesus Christ song again (Now you come to me)! I've listened to your CD twice now, crying off and on yet I'm finding it very encouraging! I can really relate a little too well to the Lord calling you to surrender to him, forgetting His consolations and your lack of discpline in your prayer life…help!!!
Over the last 5 years or so while being in the dessert the Lord has sent my husband and I over 30 songs (between homework and potty training) which we hope to record someday soon. Eight of these songs are pro-life songs which we currently play at our local March For Life. I too hear the call to return to daily mass, rosary, monthly confession and weekly adoration. Answering the call to be a music missionary or to the apostulate seems an impossibility while raising our children, yet…everything is possible with God!
Please pray for us that the Lord's will be done in our lives. Thank you for answering His call! We'd love to hear from you if you have a moment!
In Christ, The Towles