Dear Kitty and Ceci, This Thanksgiving I want to send you a little note to express my deep thanks to you for your love. Your love for Jesus and Mary has overflowed into this Morning Glory family and so many souls are being transformed with an infusion of Faith, Hope, and Love.
Your dedication has inspired me to push the extra mile for Our Lord and His Church. Your meditations have touched my heart very personally. I have taken many of your suggestions into action and they have proved to be pleasing to God. It was God’s Will that my dear friend, Maureen, forwarded your link to me on August 15, 2020, and I’m so indebted to her and I feel that, in her Eternal Rest, she is still enjoying your Rosaries and your voice. Maureen also liked to read the comments and we would discuss the devotion among the “Glories.” Our daughters would get a kick out of some of the habits Maureen and I shared, as far as praying with you while in the car, while making dinner, walking, and in addition to praying before our altars. In the last few months, my niece, Renee, is in the process of a re-conversion to her faith, thanks to you two! She is a faithful pray-er and so looks forward to praying with you. Sometimes, she will go back to your previous recordings in order to pray more Rosaries. I hope I can lead more warriors to you and I pray that your ministry flourishes like the Cedar of Lebanon. Deo Gracias! Teri