Staci Thibodeaux

Kitty, A few years ago (before Katrina and Rita), I read an article about you in Faith and Family. I thought that you were the same Kitty Cleveland that I had gone to LSU law school with and intended to contact you. However, after the storms, I misplaced the magazine when we had to move everything out of our house. Nevertheless, I recently came across your testimonial CD at church and picked it up. After listening to it, I was very moved by your story and your faith. I am currently involved with Magnificat in Lake Charles, and have given your CD to them to listen to. We are currently in prayer about planning an event such as a conference for 2009. I would very much like to get some information from you about the possibility of your being involved in that event. I notice that you book such things through CMG, and I will check with them. However, since we are just in the preliminary stages of our planning, it would be too early to confirm anything. If you have time, I would appreciate your e-mailing me a little information. I am so glad that you have found a vocation that satisfies your soul. May God continue to bless you! Peace and prayers, Staci