Sandra F.

Hello Kitty, I pray all is well with you. I thank God for you. I watch you every morning. You bring joy to my heart. I feel like the Grinch when his heart is growing so much it doesn’t fit. My love for Jesus is overwhelming and I long to be in heaven praising Him for all eternity. I too want to become a saint. I’m so grateful for all the pain and healing in my life. I struggle every day to do His Holy will. I pray for my husband, children, family, friends, and enemies. I desire their salvation too. Mother Mary has interceded for me so many times. Even yesterday on her birthday one of my sons, who is 25yrs. went to confession and received Holy Communion. My husband and I were in tears. We have four adult sons and they left the faith. It was a miracle! We pray for our children every day and offer our sacrifices. God answers in His perfect time. I’m so impatient. That’s one of my struggles. I want to control everything because I want everyone’s salvation and it’s not up to me. My job is to pray for them. My husband and I consecrated ourselves to St. Joseph b Father Donald Calloway and we also did Mary’s Mantle consecration by Christine Watkins. Right before you started with the rosary. Years back we also had done 33 days to Morning Glory, by Father Michael Gately. Renewing it with you is another blessing. Mother Mary is holding us tightly by the hand, helping us to continue praying and sending people like you to help us in our journey to heaven. Three years ago my husband was transferred to the valley in Texas. We have no family here and we had just reconciled, in our marriage. It was a scary move for me, but I placed everything in God’s hands. We sold our house, downsized to the bare minimum, and rented an apartment. We are in a beautiful Catholic community. My church feels like a family. Now the Lord has blessed us with an old house that we are remodeling. I feel unworthy. But I know it’s a gift from Him and from Mother Mary’s intercession and St. Joseph. Thank you for taking the time to read my email. May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family. P.S. Love your paintings!