I think I was moved even more this year than last year. It was truly beautiful. The words you wrote spoken by Father John hit home on so many levels. You are so very talented and your sharing your gifts ~ being a "music missionary" ~ is such a gift to all of us. Thanks.
Interestingly, I recently got in touch with Michael Balhoff ~ a former priest who was one of the original Dameans (with Darryl Ducote, Buddy Ceasar, Gary Ault and Gary Daigle), who wrote Remember My Love. Mike's sister graduated with me at the Academy in Baton Rouge so the Dameans did a lot of our high school Masses and Retreats back in the day. The day I heard back from Mike (about a week ago), they sang the song at Mass at OLL. The timing was perfect. It was profound again to hear it tonight.
As you probably know, none of the Dameans are priests any longer, but Mike still has a strong faith life and was touched that their songs are still sung in churches. You did a beautiful job singing it tonight.
Again, thanks for the gift of tonight and the blessing that you gave all of us.
Take good care, Paige
Mandeville, LA