Dear Kitty: I wanted to let you know how you are helping me through all of this. Only yesterday, I was telling my husband how much your song “God Will Provide” has been so comforting to me. When all of this started, I was overwhelmed. Not only was I worried about catching the virus, but I realized we did not have a lot of the supplies to handle this. I started to worry about everything…whether we would have food, sanitizing wipes…..and of course toilet paper!

Then the song “God Will Provide” came into my mind. Kitty, to be honest, I have not heard that song since my daughter was a student at Chapelle, but I kept hearing “God Will Provide” in my mind and heart. Since it had been such a long time, I had forgotten the lyrics, but kept hearing “God will provide all you need”. I looked up the song on YouTube and sat at my computer and cried. Not only is your voice like an angel but I know God used it to tell me that he is watching over me and my family.

I am sure you get this type of thing all the time but I know that through your voice God speaks to people. Thank you, MR