Hi Kitty, It was with the utmost pleasure and honor finally meeting you in person at the McAllen Mercy Ministry Conference this weekend, February 3. I was in awe of your beauty both outside and inside. First, thank you for praying over me during our encounter which was dear to me. You were so patient with everyone who approached you along with your beautiful smile. Your presentation was AWESOME and everyone was talking of how wonderful they loved hearing you speak but more than that your beautiful voice. It was like I was at a concert, hearing my favorite Catholic singer. Listening to you in person was indeed heart touching. You could feel the Holy Spirit all around those who were in attendance. I loved it when after purchasing your CDs and showed you my Ipod with your music, you stated that I would be right along your Mom as a cheerleader. What can I say, you have been given such a beautiful gift of music and prayer ministry. Listening to your music is inspirational and so uplifting. Praying the Rosary with you helps me concentrate more on loving our Lord Jesus Christ with my heart and soul. May Our Holy Mother Mary protect you with her loving mantle as you continue with your ministry. May Our Almighty Father keep you in his hands with his love. The Rosary that you have was blessed on the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima appearance with the Statue of our Lady that has been visiting all around the United States. Thank you for everything and God Bless. Lydia |