Dear Kitty,
You asked me to send my story to you. So here it is. I am the Director of Liturgy and Music at my small church in Grand Prairie, TX. The Monday after Divine Mercy, planning upcoming liturgies, I was looking for a recording of a song with the same title as "In the Breaking of the Bread." I found your rendition of it on YouTube and was stunned by the absolute beauty of the words. I am a convert to Catholicism. The story of the Road to Emmaus is a big reason I am proudly Catholic.
Anyway, I posted the song on my Facebook page. The song wouldn't leave me alone. Several members of my choir liked it and asked if we could sing it. I went digging around until I found it.
That Friday was our Confirmation Mass. I sang it as the Meditation. It fit perfectly with the homily given by Msgr. Joseph. It moved him to tears as well as many other people there.
I went to your website to learn more about you and discovered you are in southern LA. My in-laws are in Broussard and New Iberia. I asked God to please allow me to be in LA when you would hold a concert. I really wanted to attend. Driving 2 hours to see you, hear you, be touched by the Spirit through you would be soooooo worth it.
God is such a loving Father. He arranged for you to come to TX only a 30 minute drive away. I am tearing up as I write this. His love and care for me humbles me greatly.
I know I am not the only person He touched through you that night. I thank you so much for being willing to do what Jesus asks of you. Thank you for coming to Texas.
May Jesus continue to bless you, your family, and your ministry.