Dear Kitty, You will not remember me (most of the emails sent to you probably start out with those five words), but I met you after a concert you gave at St. Francis in Bakersfield, CA. My name is Leanne Gold, and was later delighted to hear that you, also, have a daughter from China! Our daughter, Hannah, was at the Divine Mercy concert you gave, but I had to take her outside because she started wailing somewhat loudly during one of your songs (I think it was "You are Mine".) Unfortunately, your song reminded her of our recently deceased and much beloved poodle, Cleo. Hannah feels music very deeply. Now, I have to listen to your "Be Not Afraid" CD with earphones! Hannah does all right with your "Sacred Arias" CD, and she must think a lot of you, because she named one of her little stuffed animals Kitty Cleveland. We're a weird family. I bet that is the first time you've been told that your music makes someone think of her dead poodle or that you've had a stuffed animal named after you! While I was ordering CD's from your web site last week, I saw the post about your wanting to record a CD in Scotland. My husband, Alan, and I would like more information about possibly sponsoring–if the opportunity is still available… We love your music, and it is such a pleasure to have met you and find you to be a humble, down-to-earth person. Oh, I gave your CD to my mom (non-Catholic Christian), who is currently going through some major physical trials. Your CD moved her to tears. It touched her deeply. Thank you for your ministry.