Leanne Gold

Dear Kitty, Your biggest fan (my son Max, as you have been made aware) and I thoroughly enjoyed being able to watch you live on the telethon over the Internet. You were wonderful. Max *told* me that I had to let you know that you were great, as usual (as if he sees you live on a regular basis), and–get this–that you have no wrinkles. There were a number of closeup shots, and he’s very observant. 😉 His only disappointment was that you did not sing “the bongo song.” That’s what he calls “Psalm of Mercy,” which is one of his favorites. When I told him that you had mentioned in your newsletter that you had rerecorded the song with an acoustic guitar, he said, “What a travesty! It’s so perfect the way it is!” Yes, he uses words like “travesty.” We are praying for safe travel for you and that everything regarding your Scotland project will come together as it should. We are selfishly looking forward to your concert in December. It is December 8, right? When I got to thinking about spending the money on our trip, we could have just donated that money to you for your CD and skipped the trip. It seems selfish of us. The kids are so thrilled about going to your concert, though, it would be difficult to disappoint them at this point. They are truly not spoiled materially, and we never go on family vacations. This will be the first major trip we’ve taken as a family (other than to San Diego for a funeral) since we went to Russia to pick up Max and then I went to China for Hannah. We were too broke to go anywhere for a while (and really, neither trip for our children were what one could call “vacations.”) I hope God has met all your financial needs for the Scotland trip and recording. Do know that we are praying for you and will continue to do so. Please continue to let us know of any prayer intentions.